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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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U sklopu regionalnog projekta "Za aktivnu inkluziju i prava Romkinja na zapadnom Balkanu III" koji podržava Austrijska razvojna saradnja kroz Representative office CARE Deutschland e.V. in Bosnia and Herzegovina , nase udruzenje je kao nosilac granta u zajednici odrzalo radionicu 09.03.2020 a ,po pozivu JU OŠ "Lukavac grad" sa nastavnim osobljem,roditeljima i ucenicima/cama. Na ovoj radionici smo govorili o ljudskim pravima, polozaju Roma/kinja ali i o posebnoj vaznosti obrazovanja romske djece i njihove redovnosti na nastavi te odnosu ne romske populacije prema romskoj nacionalnoj manjini.

To draw attention to the position of women is the goal of a street action held in the center of Tuzla on International Women's Day. Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost " in cooperation with the  Roma Women's Network in B&H for the ninth year in several cities of B&H organizes this action as part of campaign month of Roma women's activism. By 8 April, a series of activities will be carried out to highlight the status of women in B&H society, with a particular focus on Roma women.

Roma women are in an unenviable position, and very often we say that they are doubly discriminated against by being women and by belonging to a  ethnic minority. Through its activities, the Roma Women Association "Bolja buducnost" seeks to improve their socio-economic status on a daily basis.

What is better than 20 or more years ago, not only for Roma women but also for other women in B&H, is that women in the family have more freedom and make independent decisions in many things. "The woman is a guide through life and in politics and in private life, in all, the woman is the one who runs like a machine," says one of our fellow citizen.

Only by dedicated work women can change the situation for the better. Through various trainings, seminars and other activities, we strive to encourage Roma women to become more visible in their community. 

Skrenuti pažnju na položaj žena cilj je ulične akcije koja je održana u centru Tuzle na Međunarodni dan žena. Udruženje žena Romkinja ”Bolja budućnost” u saradnji sa ženskom romskom mrežom u BiH devetu  godinu u više gradova BiH organizuje i provodi kampanju mjesec dana ženskog romskog aktivizma . Do 8. aprila do kada traje kampanje  bit će provedeno niz aktivnosti sa ciljem ukazivanja na sam položaj žena u bh. društvu, s posebnim akcentom na Romkinje.

”Romkinje se nalaze u nezavidnom položaju, mi vrlo često kažemo da su one duplo diskriminisane, time što su žene a i samim tim pripadnosti određenoj etničkoj nacionalnoj manjini. Udruženje žena Romkinja ”Bolja budućnost” kroz svoje aktivnosti, svakodnevno nastoji poboljšati njihov socio-ekonomski položaj”. 

Ono što je bolje nego prije 20-tak i više godina, ne samo kod Romkinja, već i ostalih žena u BiH, jeste da žene u porodici imaju više slobode i samostalno odlučuju u mnogim stvarima, s čime se slažu i naše sugrađanke.

”Žena je vodič kroz život i u politici i u privatnom životu, u svemu, žena je ta koja pokreće kao neka mašina”, kaže jedna naša sugrađanka.

Samo predanim radom  one mogu mijenjati stanje na bolje mišljenje je našeg udruženja. Nastojimo kroz različite edukacije, seminare i ostale aktivnosti podstaći Romkinje na rad, kako bi bile vidljivije u svojoj zajednici.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020 11:13

It is my RIGHT not a PRIVILEGE!

Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost "  Tuzla and Roma Women's  Network "Uspjeh" of Bosnia and Herzegovina announces a campaign  month of Roma  women's activism "It is my RIGHT nota a PRIVILEGE". In the world, women continue to be discriminated when it comes to employment, they do not participate sufficiently in political decision-making and governance. Data from relevant institutions show that every other woman has experienced some form of violence.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a large part of these statistics, and when it comes to marginalized groups of women, Roma women are significantly disadvantaged compared to others. Roma women are exposed to multiple discrimination on the basis of their ethnic minority background, gender and social background or status.

For this reason, the  Roma women's network of Bosnia and Herzegovina  has launched a campaign month of Roma women activism. 

The campaign was created with the aim of pointing out the position of women with special focus on position of Roma women in B&H and the importance of their inclusion in the public and political life of our country. From March 8, International Women's Day to April 8, World Roma Day 2020, Network members organize a series of activities that include street actions, meetings with representatives of institutions at all levels, and community events.

The messages we want to send this year's campaign are that Roma women have the right to make decisions on their own behalf, to participate in decision-making places, to have their place in society, and to have the right to political participation.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020 11:10


Udruženje žena Romkinja “Bolja budućnost” grada Tuzla i Ženska romska mreža „Uspjeh“ Bosne i Hercegovine najavljuje kampanju mjesec dana ženskog romskog aktivizma „MOJE JE PRAVO, A NE PRIVILEGIJA“

U svijetu se žene i dalje nalaze u diskriminirajućem položaju kada je u pitanju zapošljavanje, nedovoljno učestvuju u političkom odlučivanju i upravljanju u institucijama vlasti, a podaci relevantnih institucija pokazuju da je svaka druga žena doživjela neki oblik nasilja.

Bosna i Hercegovina je veliki dio ove statistike, a kada govorimo o marginaliziranim grupama žena, Romkinje su u znatno nepovoljnijem položaju u odnosu na druge. Romkinje su izložene višestrukoj diskriminaciji, po osnovu pripadnosti romskoj nacionalnoj manjini, na osnovu spola i na osnovu svog socijalnog porijekla ili statusa.

Ženska romska mreža „Uspjeh“ je iz tog razloga pokrenula kampanju Mjesec dana ženskog romskog aktivizma koju realizira već devetu godinu za redom.

Kampanja je nastala s ciljem da se kroz niz aktivnosti koje će se implementirati u ovih mjesec dana ukaže na položaj žena s posebnim akcentom na Romkinje u BiH i važnost njihovog uključenja u javni i politički život naše zemlje.

U periodu od 8. marta, Međunarodnog dana žena do 8. aprila, Svjetskog dana Roma 2020. godine, članice Mreže organiziraju niz aktivnosti koje obuhvataju održavanje uličnih akcija, sastanaka sa predstavnicima/cama institucija na svim nivoima te događaje u zajednicama.

Na gradskim trgovima 08. Marta sa početkom od 12:00 sati u Tuzli, Bijeljini, Visokom, Kakanju, Prnjavoru i Donjem Vakufu uličnim akcijama obilježavamo početak kampanje.

Ulična akcija u Tuzli održati će se na trgu Slobode sa početkom u 12:00 sati, 08.03.2020. godine.

Poruke koje želimo poslati ovogodišnjom kampanjom su da Romkinje imaju pravo da donose odluke u svoje ime, da participiraju na mjestima odlučivanja, da ostvare svoje mjesto u društvu te da imaju pravo na političku participaciju.

Kampanja se završava simbolično na Svjetski dan Roma/kinja 08.04. sa centralnim događajem, uličnim performansom u Sarajevu ispred Sarajevo City Centra te prigodnim programom u Parlamentarnoj skupštini BiH.

Representatives of the Roma Women 's Association "Bolja budućnost"  Tuzla and the representatives of   Roma Women's Network attended a regional gathering of women' s organizations under the symbolic name "UNITED". Gathering was  held in Budva from 27-29. February 2020. This regional meeting discussed the narrowing of space for women's rights and the consequences in the context of the Western Balkans. There were also thematic sessions on whether NGOs and the professionalisation of women's organizations affect the movement, how to overcome it through women's solidarity.

The gathering presents strategy to support and build the women's movement and present the plans and OAK and TRAG Foundation.

Predstavnice Udruženja žena Romkinja "Bolja budućnost" grada Tuzla i ženske romske mreže "Uspjeh" BiH su prisustvovale regionalnom skupu ženskih organizacija pod simboličnim  nazivom "UdruŽENE" koji je održan u Budvi u periodu od 27-29. februara 2020. Na ovom regionalnom skupu diskutovalo se o sužavanju prostora za ženska prava i posljedicama u kontekstu Zapadnog Balkana. Takoder su održane i tematske sesije o tome da li NVO i profesionalizacija ženskih organizacija utječe na pokret, kako putem ženske solidarnosti prevazići NVOizaciju. 

Na skupu je predstavljena Strategija za podršku i izgradnju ženskog pokreta odnosno predstavljanje planova OAK i TRAG fondacije. 

“You are not alone – this is the clear message from a packed room today in the BiH Parliament – however, our challenge is to keep working together for the sake of all Roma persons,” stressed Marta Garcia Fidalgo, adviser on Roma policy at the Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations at the 5thbiannual Roma Inclusion Seminar held today in Sarajevo. The Seminar was jointly organized by the EU Office in BiH and the BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees, gathering representatives of local institutions, civil society organizations and international organizations who work actively on promoting Roma inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Taking stock of the results achieved since the last seminar, the panelists noted that some progress has been achieved in key areas of Roma integration, most notably regarding housing, since hundreds of housing units have been provided. However, much remains to be done in the fields of education, employment, healthcare and social inclusion, as emphasised by the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to BiH, Khaldoun Sinno, who reiterated the EU’s readiness to support concrete measures to improve the social inclusion of Roma in BiH. “Combating discrimination and promoting integration are key priorities inside the EU as well as in those countries that wish to become members. The protection of Roma in BiH remains a concern for us. We need to see proactive engagement on the protection of minorities and promotion of human rights of all citizens of BiH,” said Sinno.

Considering that two of 14 key priorities of the Commission’s Opinion on BiH’s application to join the European Union directly relate to the Roma integration process, the panelists emphasised that attention to progress in this sector will increase, and that joint effort and contributions are needed as regards the new enlargement methodology.

“Roma integration is part of the fundamentals of the EU enlargement process and one of our key priorities. We are not only interested in the paperwork but in the process of reintegration of people on the ground; that children have access to schools, that people find employment, that their homes have water and electricity, and they have access to medical support,” highlighted Garcia Fidalgo.

Chairperson of the Roma Committee within the BiH Council of Ministers underlined Dervo Sejdić said that Roma inclusion in the Western Balkans is a precondition of EU membership for this region.

“This issue is no longer just a matter of social or economic policy, it is now a political issue and we need to take responsibility to realise the goals, take responsibility for what was not achieved and provide Roma citizens with more representation in education, employment, housing and health care,” said Sejdić.

Since 2007, the EU has provided over € 7.5 million to Bosnia and Herzegovina to support the socio-economic inclusion and integration of Roma in BiH, including through support to housing. As part of her visit to BiH, Garcia Fidalgo will visit Roma families who are benefiting from EU assistance in Zenica and Kakanj.



"Niste sami  - ovo je jasna poruka iz Parlamenta BiH - međutim, naš je izazov nastaviti raditi zajedno zarad svih Roma/kinja", naglasila je Marta Garcia Fidalgo, savjetnica za romsku politiku u DG NEAR  na 5. godišnjem seminaru o uključivanju Roma/kinja, održanom 26. Februara 2020 u Sarajevu. Seminar su zajedno organizirali Ured EU-a u BiH i Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, okupljajući predstavnike/ce lokalnih institucija, organizacija civilnog društva i međunarodnih organizacija koje aktivno rade na promicanju inkluzije Roma/kinja u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Uzevši u obzir rezultate postignute od posljednjeg seminara, panelisti/ce su primijetili/e da je postignut određeni napredak u ključnim područjima integracije Roma/kinja, ponajviše u pogledu stanovanja, jer je osigurano stotine stambenih jedinica. Međutim, ostaje mnogo toga da se učini u  području obrazovanja, zapošljavanja, zdravstva i socijalne uključenosti.Uzimajući u obzir da se dva od 14 ključnih prioriteta mišljenja Komisije o zahtjevu BiH za pridruživanje Europskoj uniji izravno odnose na proces integracije Roma/kinja, panelisti su istaknuli da će se pažnja  u ovom sektoru povećati i da su potrebni zajednički napori i doprinosi u pogledu novih metodologija. 

Direktorica Udruženja žena Romkinja "Bolja budućnost" Tuzla i predstavnice ženske romske mreže "Uspjeh" u BiH koje su prisustvovale ovom seminaru adresirale su pitanja Romkinja i njihovog položaja te ukazala da u narednom priodu treba se dodatna paznja usmjeriti na rodnu ravnopravnost i položaj Romkinja u plitikama/strategijama Bosne i Hercegovine. 


Since 2001, when the Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost" Tuzla was founded, we accomplished improvement   especially in the areas of Roma women's health, employment and information on their rights. The goals of the Association from the beginning were: the fight against discrimination, the inclusion of Roma women in public and political life, the protection of Roma children and education. We are constantly working on the education of Roma women about their rights.

We actively involve our user group in all our programs and projects and together we realize all our activities. Each year we present our activities and achievements to our members and to the members of the Management Board. In this regard, at the beginning of 2020, we held a regular reporting assembly of the Association, which adopted the narrative annual and financial reports and the work plan for 2020.

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