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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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Tuesday, 10 March 2020 11:40

Street Action of Roma women association "Bolja buducnost" : What is the position of women in B&H today?

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To draw attention to the position of women is the goal of a street action held in the center of Tuzla on International Women's Day. Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost " in cooperation with the  Roma Women's Network in B&H for the ninth year in several cities of B&H organizes this action as part of campaign month of Roma women's activism. By 8 April, a series of activities will be carried out to highlight the status of women in B&H society, with a particular focus on Roma women.

Roma women are in an unenviable position, and very often we say that they are doubly discriminated against by being women and by belonging to a  ethnic minority. Through its activities, the Roma Women Association "Bolja buducnost" seeks to improve their socio-economic status on a daily basis.

What is better than 20 or more years ago, not only for Roma women but also for other women in B&H, is that women in the family have more freedom and make independent decisions in many things. "The woman is a guide through life and in politics and in private life, in all, the woman is the one who runs like a machine," says one of our fellow citizen.

Only by dedicated work women can change the situation for the better. Through various trainings, seminars and other activities, we strive to encourage Roma women to become more visible in their community. 

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