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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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Tuesday, 10 March 2020 11:13

It is my RIGHT not a PRIVILEGE!

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Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost "  Tuzla and Roma Women's  Network "Uspjeh" of Bosnia and Herzegovina announces a campaign  month of Roma  women's activism "It is my RIGHT nota a PRIVILEGE". In the world, women continue to be discriminated when it comes to employment, they do not participate sufficiently in political decision-making and governance. Data from relevant institutions show that every other woman has experienced some form of violence.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a large part of these statistics, and when it comes to marginalized groups of women, Roma women are significantly disadvantaged compared to others. Roma women are exposed to multiple discrimination on the basis of their ethnic minority background, gender and social background or status.

For this reason, the  Roma women's network of Bosnia and Herzegovina  has launched a campaign month of Roma women activism. 

The campaign was created with the aim of pointing out the position of women with special focus on position of Roma women in B&H and the importance of their inclusion in the public and political life of our country. From March 8, International Women's Day to April 8, World Roma Day 2020, Network members organize a series of activities that include street actions, meetings with representatives of institutions at all levels, and community events.

The messages we want to send this year's campaign are that Roma women have the right to make decisions on their own behalf, to participate in decision-making places, to have their place in society, and to have the right to political participation.

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