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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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Friday, 20 October 2017 13:01

5 TO 12 - Protection of Street Children

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5 TO 12  - Protection of Street Children !,
  the joint project of the "Lara" Foundation and a member of the RING Network, supported by the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the association Roma women "Better Future"  Tuzla implemented the following activities:
- Participated in the creation and maintenance of the "Children of the street - exit strategy" conference on the occasion of marking the 18th of October, the European Day of Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, where the predecessor of our association was one of the panelists and presented experience, methodology of work and good practice prevention of trafficking in children in our country, the most prominent abuse of children in begging and child labor on the street.
- Street action- The focus of street actions is to increase public awareness of all aspects of trafficking as well as protection mechanisms. Street Action implemented in Tuzla with volunteer engagement.

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Bosna i Hercegovina
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