Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.
Pročitaj više...Bearing in mind that early marriage of children lead to violations of the fundamental rights of children, especially girls and right to unimpeded mental and physical development, their right to health and right to education we aim to draw the attention of the competent institutions and the wider community about the problem of child and sometimes contracted marriages that are often identified with traditional Roma / Roma women and bring joint conclusions, which should lead to actions that must be directed at prevention programs and measures, because a lack of knowledge about prevention leads to consequences not only for children but for society as a whole. The theme of the round table which took place 28.11.2016 in Tuzla within 16 days of activism 2016 CHILDREN'S MARRIAGE IS NOT TRADITION OF Roma men and women!
Imajući u vidu da rani brakovi djece dovode do povrede osnovnih prava djece,posebno djevojčica prije svega prava na nesmetan psihofizički razvoj, njihovog prava na zaštitu zdravlja i prava na obrazovanje cilj nam je skrenuti pažnju nadležnih institucija ali i šire društvene zajednice o problemu dječijih i nekada ugovorenih brakova koji se vrlo često poistovjećuju sa tradicijom Roma/kinja kao i donjeti zajedničke zaključke koji treba da dovedu do aktivnosti koje se moraju usmjeriti u preventivne programe i mjere, jer nedovoljno znanje o prevenciji dovodi do posljedica ne samo po dijete već za društvo u cjelini. Tema je okruglog stola koji je odrzan 28.11.2016 godine u Tuzli u okviru 16 dana aktivizma 2016. DJEČIJI BRAK NIJE TRADICIJA ROMA I ROMKINJA!
16 dana Aktivizma ( 25.11-10.12.2016)
UŽR Bolja budućnost Grada Tuzla u sklopu regionalnog projekta "Za aktivnu inkluziju i prava Romkinja na Zapadnom balkanu" koji implementira CARE International Balkans provodi kampanju čija poruka glasi "DJEČIJI BRAK NIJE TRADICIJA ROMA I ROMKINJA".
U toku kampanje šaljemo poruke:
In the period 18-20 November in Bijeljina was held training for employees and volunteers of the Association of Roma Women "Better Future" City of Tuzla in the field of monitoring of public policies. The goal of the training is to strengthen the capacity of staff and volunteer associations for monitoring and evaluation of public policies for Roma issues. The training was implemented in the framework of the "Joint Initiative to strengthen Roma civil society in the Western Balkans and Turkey", supported by the European Union in the framework of the call EuropeAid / 150147 / DH / ACT / PRAREG, project number 2015 / 370-300, implemented by Roma Active Albania and partner organization citizens' Association for the promotion of education of Roma '' Otaharin ''.
U periodu od 18-20.Novembra u Bijeljini je odrzan trening za uposlenike/ce i volontere/ke Udruzenja zena Romkinja "Bolja buducnost" Grada Tuzla iz oblasti monitoringa javnih politika. Cilj treninga je jačanje kapaciteta osoblja i volontera/ki UŽR Bolja budućnost Grada Tuzla za monitoring i evaluaciju javnih politika za romska pitanja. Trening se implementirao suU okviru projekta "Zajednička inicijativa za jačanje romskog civilnog društva u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i Turske", podržanog od strane Evropske unije u okviru poziva EuropeAid / 150147 / DH / ACT / PRAREG, Projekat broj 2015 / 370-300 koji provodi Roma Active Albania i partnerska organizacija Udruženje građana za promociju obrazovanja Roma ''Otaharin''.
Udruženje žena Romkinja “Bolja budućnost” Tuzla obilježilo je danas programom u Sarajevu Svjetski dan romskog jezika, 5. novembar i ukazalo na važnost očuvanja tradicije, sistemskog rješavanja izučavanja tog jezika, kulture i historije Roma.
Predsjednica Udruženja Indira Bajramović apelovala je na potrebu omogućavanja izučavanja romskog jezika barem u osnovnim školama u Bosni i Hercegovini i upozorila na potrebu posvećivanja veće pažnje toj populaciji.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Security, the Department for Combating Human Trafficking, Association of Roma women "Better Future" for the fifth year in a row marked the European Day Against Human Trafficking.
On this occasion we held a street action in Tuzla, which aims to draw public attention to this increasingly common problem in our country.
U saradnji sa Ministarstvom sigurnosti BiH, Odsjek za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima, Udruženje žena Romkinja "Bolja budućnost" Grada Tuzla “ već petu godinu za redom obilježilo je Evropski dan borbe protiv trgovine ljudima.
Tim povodom održali smo uličnu akciju u Tuzli koja ima za cilj skretanje pozornosti javnosti na ovaj sve češće prisutan problem u našoj zemlji.
At the last meeting held between residents of the local community Kiseljak and representatives of non-governmental organizations including the Association of Roma women "Better Future", which are active in this area, adopted a series of requirements and citizens' initiatives that would significantly improve life in this community.The planning process, which lasted six months gathering fifty activists led the Tuzla Community Foundation, and resulted in a proposed development plan for of the local community Kiseljak with the Action Plan for the period 2017-2019 It is a document that contains the appropriate solutions to specific problems in this community.
Topics at which put the biggest focus during the six-month process were the environment and tourism potentials Kiseljak, infrastructure, education, health, employment, social protection and social life of the local population. The group of activists who worked at drafting of the plan, is determined to be the same in the upcoming period presents Tuzla City Council in order to partly be financed from the city budget. Proposed Plan will be presented to potential donors, associations and activists Kiseljak who are willing to invest in their community, with the additional attraction of funds available from international sources.