Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.
Pročitaj više...Tip projekta:
Edukacija, socijalno poduzetništvo
Cilj projekta:
Ekonomsko osnaživanje marginalizovanih žena i žena izloženih nasilju i trgovini ljudima kroz izgradnju različitih vještina i znanja te osiguranja njihove ekonomske održivosti i prticipacije što im omogućava održivost i participaciju, ostvarivanje prava, natjecanje na tržištu rada i započinjanja vlastitog biznisa u mjestima gdje žive.
On the occasion of the International Dialogue and Development Day for Cultural Diversity, the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized a Tolerance Olympics in Teocak on May 19, 2018, which brought together young people from five cities / municipalities where anti-hate coalitions work. On this event also participated representatives of our association.
The aim of the Olympics of Tolerance is the promotion of cultural diversity and fight against hatred, the inclusion of youth in the activities carried out by coalitions in their communities, and the establishment of contacts for other forms of cooperation. Young people from Bijeljina, Teočak, Zvornik, Gradacac and Tuzla learned about the characteristics and consequences of hate speech, action plans of social affiliation and human rights. As part of the program, sports competitions were held.
Povodom Međunarodnog dana kulturne raznolikosti za dijalog i razvoj, Misija OSCE-a u Bosni i Hercegovini 19.05.2018 je u Teočaku organizirala Olimpijadu tolerancije, koja je okupila mlade iz pet gradova/općina u kojima djelujuju koalicije za borbu protiv mržnje, a na kojoj su učestvovali i predstavnici/e Udruženja zena Romkinja "Bolja buducnost" Grada Tuzla.
Cilj Olimpijade tolerancije je promocija kulturne raznolikosti i borbe protiv mržnje, uključivanje mladih u aktivnosti koje provode koalicije u njihovim sredinama, kao i uspostavljanje kontakata za druge vidove saradnje.
Mladi iz Bijeljine, Teočaka, Zvornika, Gradačca i Tuzle s učili o karakteristikama i posljedicama govora mržnje, akcionim planovima društvene povezanosti i ljudskim pravima. Kao dio programa održana su i sportska takmičenja.
Type of project:
Informative campaign
Project goal:
Animating Roma to register with the employment service through Roma women's network activities.
Supported by:
Open Society Fund B&H
Romi/kinje su u velikoj mjeri godinama bili marginalizirani. Uslovi življenja znatno su lošiji u odnosu na većinski dio stanovništva, pa nije ni čudo što su socijalna i zdravstvena zaštita bile na niskom nivou. Udruženje žena romkinja Bolja budućnost godinama se kontinuirano zalaže za poboljšanje kvalitete života Roma u svakom smislu. Kroz brojne projekte, posebno kroz program koji implementira CARE International Balkans, a čija je glavna partnerska organizacija Udruženje Bolja Budućnost, situacija se promjenila na bolje.
Više o ovoj temi pogledajte u emisiji Na margini: na linku: http://rtv7.ba/arhive/158324
Roma women association "Bolja buducnost" from Tuzla in cooperation with the Roma women network "Uspjeh" successfully carried out a campaign entitled "Sign in - realize rights on the basis of unemployment“. Campaign was conducted in eight communities in B&H, which covered 36 Roma communities in Tuzla, Kakanj, Bijeljina, Prnjavor, Vukosavlje, Visoko, Sarajevo and Bugojno.
During the campaign and field work, the results that came out showed that the work of the mediator was very significant because of the fact that in different places they recognized the same problems and needs.
This campaign included 1759 Roma who received specific help to solve a particular problem. In addition, all of them were also inform about the importance of registration to Employment Services and to realize rights on the basis of unemployment.
In the Roma settlement in Travnik, a very small number of Roma and Roma women are engaged in some specific sport. There has recently been a problem where is noticed that young people are consuming narcotics. Considering that the previous initiatives focused on sharing information about sport and to help young people to get involved and live better and quality life, this time with the help of the women's soccer club, Rosa Brandis, we organized a youth tournament to make more approachable the purpose of sport as well as importance for health care.
The Roma women network “USPJEH” and OSCE Mission in Bosnian and Herzegovina organized a ceremony on World Roma day in National Assembly of Republic of Srpska. This event was part of regional project “For Active inclusion and rights of Roma women in western Balkan II” supported by Austrian Development Agency through CARE International, Balkans.
Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the work of Roma women's network and activities during month of Roma women activism and the importance of marking the World Roma day as the largest national minority in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The World Roma Day, April 8, is celebrated in honor of the First Roma Congress held on April 8, 1971 in London, considered one of the most important dates in Roma history. The congress was attended by Roma representatives from fourteen countries of the world.
One of the most important decisions was the acceptance of the Roman flag and the official anthem. The flag in the lower part consists of a green color symbolizing the earth (grass), and in the upper part of the blue color symbolizing the sky. The red wheel represents Roma travel and migration. The official Roman anthem is based on the old roman song "Đelem, Đelem" (I'm going, I'm going).
The first congress of Roma resulted in the proclamation of the official Roma language - Romani chiba, as well as the official acceptance of the name Roma, which in Roma language means man. The name "Roma" was chosen to avoid the name "Gypsy" which had a negative meaning.