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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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Monday, 09 March 2020 15:25

A Platform for the improvement of the rights and status of Roma women in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost " from Tuzla and Roma women network , have started the development of a Platform for the improvement of the rights and status of Roma Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The platform is an advocacy instrument for the rights of Roma women at the domestic and international level, which is a concrete contribution to the policy of anti-Gypsyism and combating discrimination in BiH society. Pointing to the efforts and shortcomings in BiH policies related to Roma and Roma integration, the Platform is a mechanism to advocate for a more effective practice of recognizing, monitoring and preventing various forms of discrimination against Roma women. 

Generally, the Platform emphasizes the identified shortcomings in other sectoral strategies, plans and policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Following various analyzes and other available indicators, key problems and obstacles to better inclusion of Roma women in BiH society were highlighted. The Platform proposes more concrete measures to improve the implementation of the parts of sectoral strategies, plans and policies that are important for the realization of the economic, social, political, educational, cultural and other rights of Roma women in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the Platform, we highlight specific problems and make recommendations regarding the political and social participation of Roma women, social protection, education and cultural rights, gender-based violence and domestic violence, exploitation of children (especially women) through arranged marriages and endangering development and health due to the higher index of minor pregnancies in the Roma community in relation to the non-Roma population and the increased risk of discrimination and lack of systematic support. 

Activities for developing this Platfor is lead  by the Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost"  in cooperation with the Roma women network BiH. A ctive participation in the development was provided by: Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, Agency for Gender Equality of BiH, Gender Center of the Federation of BiH , Women's Network BiH, Association for the Promotion of Roma Education "Otaharin" BiH, Care International Balkans, OSCE Missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the intention to support and participate in the creation of a common framework of action to improve the rights and status of Roma women in BiH society as a whole.  OAK Foundation, UN Women and Kvinna till Kvinna provided financial support to the process of creating this Platform.


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