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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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Wednesday, 18 December 2019 14:26

The Community Score Card (CSC)

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Today (18. december 2019)  we have a meeting with community members in Tuzla and on this meeting we use the Community Score Card tool. We do parallel processes in Tuzla , Lukavac, Prnjavor and Vukosavlje. After the meeting with communities we will conduct the same process with service providers and we will make a joint plan of action for improving the access and cooperation with between service providers.

The CSC process is implementing as part of regional project "For active inclusion and rights of Roma women in western Balkan III" supported by Austrian Development Agency and Czech Development Cooperation through CARE INTERNATIONAL Balkans..

The Community Score Card (CSC) process is a powerful tool to monitor services, empower citizens, and improve the accountability of service providers. The scoring exercises provide citizens the opportunity to analyse services such as health services or education based on their personal perceptions. Citizens can provide encouragement for good work or express dissatisfaction. In a common collaboration between rights holders and duty bearers, the provision of services can sustainably change for the better.
The purpose of a Community Score Card process is to improve the quality, efficiency and accountability of services at community level. It is a two-way and ongoing participatory process which seeks to strengthen the mutual understanding between service providers and service users to ensure collaborative actions and overcome gaps. It helps you to:
-Identify how services are experienced by the users and the providers.
- Establish a feedback mechanism between users and providers.
- Ensure informed decision making and dialogue between service providers and users.
- Track if services and programmes are progressing well and compare the performance of services across facilities.
- Report on the quality of services to a district executive committee or assembly.
- Strengthen community empowerment and citizen voice.

It is NOT about finger-pointing or blaming. It is NOT designed to settle personal scores.

It is NOT supposed to create conflict.

Read 1708 times Last modified on Friday, 20 December 2019 15:11
+387 35 298 001


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