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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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Monday, 14 May 2018 14:54

B & H Federation Parliament: Reception at Vice President Svancer : to Increase the Visibility of Roma Women

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Within the regional campaign, a month of Roma women's activism "Roma women rights are human rights" implemented within the regional project "For Active Inclusion and Rights of Romani women in Western Balkans II" financially supported by the Austrian Development Agency through CARE International, Balkans:  Representatives of Roma Women's Organizations ; The Association of Roma Women of the "Bolja buducnost" Tuzla, the Youth Roma Initiative "Budi mi prijatelj" from Visoko, the Roma women association  "Djerdan" from Bugojno and CARE International Balkans were welcomed by Vice President of the House of Representatives of the Federation B&H Parliament, Mrs. Vesna Svancer.

The conversation between the vice-president and representatives of Roma women's organizations was conducted to improve the visibility of Roma women because their status is currently on the margins of society.

They also talked about all other issues in education, health and other issues that affect this population.

They have jointly agreed on a thematic session where women will be represented Roma women as equally active in the community they belong to, demonstrating their knowledge, abilities, values and thus overcoming the prejudices that accompany Roma women.

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