The City Council of Tuzla, at its regular session, held on 29.11.2017. unanimously adopted the Action Plan of the Social Inclusion Policy of the City of Tuzla for the period 2017-2018. The Plan was implemented within the project "Social Inclusion, Right and No Privilege", implemented by the Association "Children's Land in BiH" in partnership with the Department of Economic Development and Social Affairs of the City of Tuzla and the Center for Social Work of Tuzla, with the support of the German Government GIZ organization within the regional project "Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups-SoRi". The Action Plan contains over 40 proactive measures in the area of employment, social and health care, education and the protection of families with children aimed at improving the social position of vulnerable categories of citizens of this city.
In its creation participated 19 representatives of institutions and NGOs from the city of Tuzla, including the Association of Roma Women "Better Future" Tuzla.