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Udruženje žena Romkinja (UŽR) “BOLJA BUDUĆNOST” je registrovano kao lokalna, neprofitna nevladina organizacija koja je vaspitno-obrazovnog i socijalno-humanitarnog karaktera.

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Tuesday, 18 October 2016 14:33

Prevention programs

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In recent years, the Association of Roma Women "Bolja buducnost" is implemented programs for Roma women in order to prevent cervical cancer and breast cancer organized diagnostic examinations for Roma women who belong to the risk group. The results obtained by these programs are not satisfactory.

As in previous years, and in 2016 our objective was the implementation of this program. This year we have expanded our activities to the Roma community for early detection of breast cancer and cervical cancer among Roma women belonging to high-risk groups in the Roma communities in Tuzla, Kalesija and Zivinice.  As part of this year's program, over 150 Roma women through educational workshops with doctors gynecology and radiology are educated about the importance of reproductive health and participation in prevention programs, for 60 Roma from the target sites are provided free gynecological examinations for early detection of cervical cancer and breast ultrasound examinations and mammography.

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+387 35 298 001


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