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Ponedjeljak, 14 Mart 2022 11:03


The existing reports on Romani children education show extreme poverty, non-existence of valid documents on child birth, frequent change of residence, lack of awareness on importance of education of children and especially discrimination in educational system, as well as violence and inefficient existing mechanisms for inclusion of Romani children into the system of education. The available data indicate a very small number of secondary school and university students, and also that the attitude of local self-governance bodies towards education of Romani is usually very bad. The problem is even more complex for the Romani girls. Education is the most significant need for the Romani women, who most often leave education after primary school. Although the education is included in the education action plans, Romani women are insufficiently involved in creation of these action plans and there are no appropriate measures to improve the education of Romani women. Education has a very important impact to the overall improvement of the position of Romani women, since Romani women are not educated, have low qualification, making it impossible to find employment and to be included into economic strengthening programmes. Lack of education results
by unemployment, lack of entitlements, economic dependence, violence and a number of other problems. This makes the “vicious circle”, and in consequence problems arising one from another.

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